Our ‘Managing Your Service’ campaign offers insights, guidance, tools, and resources to support you in running your service more effectively.
This March, we’re shining our spotlight on managing a care service. We want to help registered managers and other service leaders by providing information and guidance on managing people, resources and service performance.
Running a service within the care sector is a challenging job. Whether you’re a registered manager, nominated individual or a director, you’re responsible for ensuring that your team delivers high-quality, person-centred care, all while thinking about compliance, Care Quality Commission (΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ) assessment and a huge variety of other pressures.
Our latest campaign will provide you with insight, guidance, tools and resources that can help you manage your service more effectively.
Our most recent ASC-WDS data shows that stable leadership is a critical factor in determining retention and ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ performance of care providers. Effective and committed managers help to create environments in which staff want to remain and are motivated to perform at their best.
The campaign will cover:
managing people, which will provide insight on motivating staff, assessing performance, and fostering a welcoming culture that retains employees
Don’t miss a thing
The campaign will feature expert insight and real-life case studies, as well as signposting to further resources, projects, and other support.
You can follow all the information and articles on social media using #ManagingYourService. Keep an eye on our , , and accounts, as well as our regular newsletters and communications.
We’ve organised our guidance into three key areas to help you effectively manage your service:
Managing resources
Use the ASC-WDS
You can use the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) to keep track of all your staffing information, including their training and qualification records and requirements in one place. You even get an alert when it’s time to renew a piece of training and your free account allows you to access funding for training and qualifications. All users of the service have access to the ASC-WDS Benefits Bundle which gives access to special offers and discounts across our products.
Find out more about ASC-WDS
We’ve used discounts in the Benefits Bundle for eLearning modules including Introductory Modules for Managers, Being prepared for ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ inspection, Improving your ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ rating, Delivering Outstanding care. We’ve saved over £8,300 on licence costs using our discount codes
Creative support
Not for profit social care provider
Using technology in social care
Digital working in adult social care can significantly improve how people are supported by enhancing the quality, efficiency and personalisation of care.
We provide information and support on understanding and assessing how digital ready your organisation is and how you can use technology to help you manage your service.
View our webpages
Workforce planning
Workforce planning will ensure you have the workforce to meet your objectives and personal care plans. A good workforce plan will help your organisation be more successful and make sure that you have the right people in place to meet the needs and future opportunities for your business.
See our resources to help
Support for registered managers
We offer support and information for all registered managers and front-line managers to ensure they deliver high quality care. Share knowledge and access peer support at our local networks, join our webinars that cover a range of topics and listen to our podcasts that offer insights from different guests to develop your skills and confidence. Our Registered Manager Membership supports managers to develop best practice and knowledge.
Explore our support for registered managers
I was looking for particular information around the use of oxygen and asked the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ registered manager Facebook group for advice. I was delighted with the strength and volume of support I received from the group!
Laura Hambridge
Facebook group member
Creating a positive culture
Having a positive inclusive workplace culture helps you to both attract and retain a diverse workforce of great staff, and to invest in those who will deliver the best care and support to others. Our toolkit will help explain what a positive workplace culture is and how you can develop, maintain, and where needed, change an existing culture.
Download the toolkit
Effective supervision
Supervision involves a manager meeting regularly and interacting with staff to review their work, set expected standards, monitor and review performance, and provide support. Effective supervision supports good working relationships, helps you to address any issues and celebrate achievements. Our guide will help you to plan and deliver effective supervisions.
Access the guide
People performance management
Managing the performance of your employees is essential to ensure that your team, service and organisation are delivering high-quality care. Developed in partnership with NHS Employers, this toolkit provides practical support to help you develop the skills needed to deal with key management situations confidently and consistently.
See the toolkit
Wellbeing at work relates to every aspect of working life, from the environment to how the workforce feels about themselves. Supporting the health and wellbeing of your team is essential in making sure that people with care and support needs and their families receive good quality care. Our guidance and resources can help you to do just that.
Find our wellbeing resources
Care Workforce Pathway
The pathway is the first universal career structure for the adult social care workforce and identifies the knowledge, skills, values and behaviours needed to work in the sector across different roles. You can use it to discuss career aspirations and goals with your teams to help foster a supportive team culture and empower staff to reach their potential.
Find out more about the pathway
Managing service performance
Inspection toolkit
This toolkit is designed to support you prepare for ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ assessments, providing you with the essential evidence needed to achieve a Good or Outstanding rating. It offers an in-depth examination of each of the key questions and quality statements and can be filtered by different service type.
Access the online toolkit
The toolkit has helped me massively. All of the questions that I was struggling with I now have a good understanding and I can demonstrate how we meet them.
Kathryn Cooper, Registered Manager
Devonshire House Care Ltd
΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ assessment eLearning
Our eLearning modules are designed to help you understand what is expected of your service and how you can best evidence these expectations. Adult social care providers can claim back the full cost of purchasing each module via the new (LDSS).
Find out more about the modules
΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ seminars
If you feel you need more hands-on support, join one of our one-day seminars to learn how to meet or exceed ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ expectations. Whether you are preparing for your first assessment, striving to deliver outstanding care or needing to improve, we can help.
See our seminars
Good and Outstanding (GO) guide
This guide includes insights and practical advice to help you recognise your strengths and showcase them to the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ. It also helps you identify potential gaps that may affect your rating, ensuring you’re fully prepared for assessment. It’s currently available as a free online resource for registered manager members.
Find out more on how to access
Culturally Appropriate Care - supporting individuals from ethnic minority groups and backgrounds
These training and information resources can be used to help with learning about the person you’re supporting by understanding the difference between direct and indirect discrimination.
Access the Culturally Appropriate Care resources
Blogs and articles
Stay tuned for insightful blogs and articles about learning and development. From expert tips to real-life success stories, we’ll be sharing valuable content to support your growth in adult social care.