Whatever role your service has in regard to people’s medicines, it’s important that your processes and procedures are robust.
You’ll need to be clear about your staff roles and responsibilities around medicines … and ensure that people receive them as prescribed.
NICE guidelines will need to be followed and the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ inspectors will want to assure themselves that your service is safely managing the ordering, transporting, storage, and disposal of medicines.
Your staff will be expected to be effectively trained and assessed as competent in how they administer and record medicines.
Regularly use opportunities such as one-to-ones to discuss medication issues and check understanding with staff.
Your staff will also need to be confident to discuss medicines with the people you support, and ensure this information and advice is clearly communicated.
Involve the people you support in how their medicines are managed. Try to encourage independence. Correct procedures will need to be followed, including when supporting people with limited capacity.
Your medication management may also need to involve external healthcare professionals.
The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ inspectors will review data from your service prior to interviewing people, staff, and managers. Be prepared for the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ inspector to accompany your staff and observe them administrating medication.
The inspectors may also ask to see a range of documents related to your medication management including:
- medicine administration records
- medicine review
- medicine training
- and medicine protocols.
Take a look at the recommendations, examples, and resources in our GO Online resource to help you to safely manage medicines.
Watch the film here: