Whatever information you provide to people, this should be tailored to meet their individual needs.
To be responsive, you will need to provide timely and accurate information that is. effectively communicated in a way that it can be clearly understood.
Training and support can help your team to improve their communication, but you should look at how needs might be met by the latest technologies too.
The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will be looking at compliance with the Accessible Information Standard, so ensure your ways of working align with this. Inspectors are likely to take a close look at providing accessible information about a person’s care to assure themselves that the service is open and transparent.
A good understanding and careful compliance with GDPR across the team will also be needed. Be prepared to share examples and evidence of what you do to protect personal data whilst not limiting your communication with individuals.
΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ inspectors may choose to interview people about how skilled staff are in how they communicate, how information is shared, and how they check understanding to ensure the care that is provided is an informed choice.
Managers may be asked about how they selected technologies, whilst staff may be asked about how they were trained to help people use the different systems available.
Documented evidence you may need to provide include staff training on subjects including information and use of technology. They may also ask to see records detailing people’s communication needs, their preferences and what communication aids are used.
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