
Single Assessment Framework version

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GO Online: Inspection toolkit

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Monitoring and improving outcomes

People’s care requires regular monitoring and will often need to be adapted to help them maintain and potentially improve their health wherever possible. The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will expect your service to enable people to meet outcomes aligned with both their own and clinical expectations.

The following film provides a summary of this area of inspection. It can help you and your teams learn about what will be inspected and what is important to demonstrate to deliver good or outstanding care.

Introducing Monitoring and improving outcomes

Duration 01 min 36 sec

The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will want to know how your service is routinely monitoring people’s care and treatment to continuously improve it.

People’s needs and their wider health and wellbeing will vary across your service, but the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will want to be assured that the care you provide meets both the clinical and person’s own expectations.

The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will look for evidence of how your service is supporting people to achieve quality of life. They will most likely interview people on this as well as monitoring and care treatment.

The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will be proportionate in assessing what services can realistically achieve with people in declining health. However, as always, the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will be looking for consistency across your service to ensure that some people’s outcomes are not prioritised above others.

The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ may look at how you benchmark the care you provide with other services to demonstrate you monitoring and outcomes are comparable. For those delivering more clinical services, the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ may look at your involvement in appropriate accreditation schemes.

When gathering evidence, inspectors will speak with managers and your staff team and potentially other services you engage with. They may also look at various documentation including referrals and communication with other services, records of quality-of-life outcomes, care plans etc.

To learn more about how you can meet this area of ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ inspection, take a look at GO Online.

Watch the film here:

΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ focus


What is the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ Quality Statement?

We routinely monitor people’s care and treatment to continuously improve it and to ensure that outcomes are positive and consistent, and that they meet both clinical expectations and the expectations of people themselves.

What sub-topics might the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ look at when inspecting this?

  • Clinical outcomes
  • Benchmarking
  • Service accreditation schemes
  • Quality of life outcome

How does this part of the inspection relate to ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ Regulations and guidance?

How will the ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ gather evidence?

The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ will primarily gather evidence by:

  • People's Experience
  • Feedback from staff and leaders
  • Processes

Read more about this Quality Statement

  • The ΢΢²ÝÊÓƵ have published further insight into what this Quality Statement means, including the I Statements and which legislation it relates to on their website .