Complementary therapist

Complementary therapistPovide complementary therapies such as reflexology, massage and aromatherapy to people who may be experiencing emotional distress, pain or psychological issues.

Complementary therapists could work in a care home, health centre, hospice or in someone’s home.

Role overview:

  • building trusting relationships with people who need care and support
  • carrying out assessments to identify the treatments that people would most benefit from
  • delivering therapies
  • evaluating the therapies and the impact they’ve had.


The specific skills needed to work in this role include:
  • good listening skills
  • the ability to put people at ease
  • the ability to cope with emotional situations. 

Each therapy will have its own entry requirements which are set by that therapy Lead Body. You can find a list of these .

Employers might also expect you to be registered with or The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.

It might also be useful to have some experience working or volunteering in a social care and health setting. 


When you start in your role your employer should put you through an induction. This might include training necessary for your role such as health and safety, first aid and moving and handling. You might also receive specific training such as autism awareness, communication skills or working with people with dementia.

There may be opportunities to progress into senior therapist roles and supervise others or a management role and be responsible for a therapy service in a hospital or other setting.

You might also choose to go into other roles such as a rehabilitation worker, social worker or occupational therapist.